questi giorni mentre frugavo nella mia libreria ho trovato questo cd, comprato non so quanti anni fa (forse 2005?) dalla soa records, era una vita che non li ascoltavo e ho deciso di parlarne oggi.
gli youngblood, sono un gruppo di rovereto nato (inizialmente col nome Religious Vomit) nel 1985 e formato da Giorgio(voce), Gigi (chitarra), Michele(batteria), Enzo(basso).
Questa antologia comprende "Angoscia", due canzoni prese da una compilation, un live e una demo "Religious Vomit".
Angoscia è stato registrato tra il dicembre del 1987 e gennaio del 1988, e pubblicato nel giugno/luglio dell'88, contiene 7 pezzi tra cui le mie preferite "Contaminati" e "No Rockstar".
gli altri due pezzi - Sanremo Song e Esistenza (più borderline state)- registrati nella stessa sessione di angoscia vennero utilizzati poi per una compilation di 4 gruppi "There Is Nothing I Like To Say".
il live presente nel cd è uno degli ultimi del gruppo, registrato l'11 06 1988 al falciani day a s. casciano (FI), la qualità è buonissima e contiene pezzi inediti.
la demo "Religious Vomit" invece è stata registrata nel dicembre dell'86 in una sala prove con pubblico, e son presenti le versioni originali di angoscia, borderline state e pezzi vecchi.
gli youngblood per quanto siano sottovalutati, sono stati uno dei gruppi italiani più caratteristici degli anni 80 (insieme ai crash box), mischiavano la potenza dell'hardcore di quel periodo, con testi più introspettivi e atmosfere malinconiche, che influenzeranno più in la gruppi stupendi come i Sottopressione.
ad ogni modo voto 8, scaricateli!!!
Oggi dedicherò un bel pò di spazio a una band che apprezzo moltissimo, sono i CHOKEHOLD, un gruppo che per mia sfortuna
ho conosciuto solo dopo 14 anni dal loro scioglimento (esatto non ne avevo mai sentito parlare), e devo dire che mi sono innamorato subito,
mi han ricordato i 7generations, i gather e i primi earth crisis che io adoro, per questo posterò la discografia(o almeno credo), testi (non tutti) immagini
e un intervista del 1994 della Clear Path (fanzine) che mi son permesso di tradurre, ma ora cominciamo a parlare di loro.
i chokehold sono un gruppo vegan straight edge nato nel 1990 ad Hamilton Ontario (Canada) hanno prodotto "This Whole World Is An Addiction" nel 1991
l'EP "More Than Ever" e nel 1992 lo split con i Crisis Of Faith e subito dopo un altro EP "Life Goes On".
la loro musica era caratterizzata da sonorità tipiche dei gruppi del periodo, riff metallici e breakdown come Brithright, Earth Crisis, Culture, e Canon
ma si distinguevano da varie ideologie della scena vegan straight edge americana, opponendosi al movimento pro life, al movimento
hardline, e all'omofobia(per questo vi amo ancora di più) presentando, invece, un attitudine anarchica, femminista, e fortemente pro-choice.
nel 1993 han prodotto sotto la CONQUER THE WORLD (CTW) l'LP "Prison Of Hope" che contiene "Depopulation" un grande pezzo antisessista, e contro ogni mercato che sfrutta
il corpo della donna per denaro.
nel 1994 abbandonano la CTW, per via di questioni economiche, e stampano per la BLOODLINK RECORDS l'EP "Instilled", decisamente uno dei miei preferiti, contenente dei veri e propri capolavori come "Burning Bridges" coverizzata pure dai xGATHERx(You must take action against those who run the industry, not the ones lied to.
And to take them down we must use as much fucking violence as they do.
Animal liberation, Earth liberation, Human liberation will only come through education.), "Mindset" un pezzo contro l'omofobia (Your view of deviance is my view of love, and I can only say you're the one that's sick.
I'll never live by your bullshit values, I wish you could see the pain you inflict.), e "Anchor" contro la religione (I never needed a crutch to make me strong or to hold on to my own beliefs,
and I'd never turn to suck a fucking lie, I'd never be that weak.).
nel 1995 stampano "Content With Dying" dove è presente "Conditioned" un pezzo bello violento sulla polizia (You made me what I am, you made me hate you.
That’s why it makes me smile when someone kills a pig or two.), e il pezzo anti-prolife "Not a Solution" che ha creato delle controversie all'interno
del movimento vegan edge del periodo, ad esempio quando hanno suonato con gli Abnegation e quella sera i due gruppi si insultarono l'un l'altro, arrivando quasi
a pestarsi.
dopo aver fatto un tour europeo nel 1996 decisero di fare l'ultimo concerto il 23 marzo dello stesso anno, producendo però un ultimo EP omonimo (o tooth and nail non l'ho ancora capito) per la Jawk Records nel 1997,
segnando così la fine di uno dei gruppi hardcore più influenti e belli degli anni 90, ci dovrebbero essere più gruppi come loro, e meno fottute star machiste (a volte cristiane)
che credono sia necessario fare due breakdown patetici e scrivere testi banalissimi sulla famiglia e il proprio ghetto, per diventare un gruppo hardcore, dovreste ritirarvi.
ps. membri dei chokehold hanno poi suonato in gruppi come The Swarm, Brutal Knights, Left For Dead, Haymaker, Our War, e Seventy-Eight Days.
1. Insecurity
You think you're always right Can only prove it through a
fight You're insecure and paranoid, Look at the friendships
you've destroyed Living behind all your lies Dressing up in
your disguise Playing games, tell me your stories Wasting my
time with bullshit glory INSECURITY - a fantasy in your mind INSECURITY -
brain fulled with false pride Thinking you're surrounded by all you good friends,
inside you know you'll be alone in the end. Degrading days will one day have to cease,
Can't you see our friendship is up for lease. One track mind never wanting to be open.
One day you'll be able to see the light. This is all we're hoping
2. Bottom Line
I've been living by your rules for far too long Following expectations
that are fucking wrong And I am sick of following your stupid morals and
views You're one a way way road, and you're gonna lose We've led ourselves
from your society of greed Always telling us what we need Well you've screwed
us around for the last time So listen up, cause this is the bottom line.
3. We Stand Alone
Alone is how we stand With X's on our hands Committed, straight ahead People follow
but we're not led Choosing the way to be Staying clear and poison free Bonded with
unity Building on our philosophy Straight through all the toil Sell outs, we stay loyal Honor,
we don't deny We won't let life pass us by WE STAND ALONE
4. Born To Die
Raised for profit By man Who can see Through this scam
Blood for money Feel the guilt Cold society That we built
Born for nothing It's senseless Greedy society Do you care Eating the flesh
All the time Soon you'll see It's a fuckin crime Right out murder By man See the
blood On my hands Born to die.....
5. Sign Of Hate
See you drive your van down the main drag A sign of your stupidity is your
confederate flag Just another sign of hate for the disease you Spread The south
will never rise again cause it's dead
You're the epitome of man!
6. Time To Say
You say fuck straight edge - i say fuck you! What did straight edge ever do to you?
You push your views - but that's alright So we push ours and you want a fight?
What's so wrong - with living clean? What's so wrong with the S.E. scene?
You have your crowd - so just leave us be And in the end we'll see who's free!
I'll laugh in your face Don't want any part of your fucking rat race What part of
NO don't you understand? Drinking and smoking doesn't make you a man
So don't tell me that shit does you good I know you'd quit, if you only could.
7. For The Child
What makes you do it Is it addiction or stupidity I can't stand the sight
of it Smoking during pregnancy When will you see there's another life at
stake When will you see there's a choice to make Keep using excuses
I'm tired of your shit Not much time left It's time to quit When will
you see there's another life at stake when will you see there's a choice
to make Keep using excuses I'm tired of your shit Not much time left
It's time to quit It's just plain stupidity To take another life
in your hands It's no way to treat the unborn It's time you took a stand
8. Everybody!!!
I don't care about your belief or race In my heart you'll always have a place
Reach out and put your hatred aside Let down that barrier that you call
pride Hurting people thats not the way Let's all make tomorrow a brighter
day With chance this could be so much better Racism's bullshit let's join together!
Fighting for your pride that's not right Open your eyes and see the light
We live together why can't we get along The things you believe in, that's
all wrong There will be no borders to contain us here Why should you make others live
in fear I am not saying I am perfect But there is no justice in judging color of skin
9. The Odds We face
A million to one is that the odds we face Put down for trying, feel so out of
place Reaching out to nothing but I know there's something there Won't give up
that fast someone out there's gotta care The words, sing straight from the heart
But the odds we face man they tear me apart I dream of change, something we all
should do I keep up my hope cause sometimes dreams come true The odds we face Seems
like no one's on our side The odds we face Hits me deep inside The odds we face
Reaching out to something new The odds we face Can we include you Cause it takes
more than what we've got to stand up and be heard We have got to all unite and
start to spread the word Cause you can make a difference if you could only try
And we have got to keep on trying to kick the odds aside Together we've got to
break down these walls that keep us apart I mean this man it's how I feel and
the words from my heart we'll do this on our own if we have to just like from
start Just like from the start.
1. More Than Ever
Untie me, I cant be held back anymore Building up inside,
all out war Shade of red on everything I see No telling
what could happen if you fuck with me More than ever
it's becoming clear that my hate for you is a fucking
obsession I wish I could look the other way I've tried
so hard to ignore you But you kept coming back The time has come to attack
2. Deaf To Reason
I'm tired of trying to get my point across No one ever listens,
no one even cares Even if nothing changes, I know deep inside That my thoughts,
my hopes are what keep me satisfied The bright side has faded to almost
total black Relying on others to do the work won't help Because together
we are strong And divided we are sure to fall Take in a bit of reality
And maybe you'll see we can't go on like this Or we will be gone It's hard I know,
But the change has to be made CAUGHT, TRAPPED, NO ESCAPE Never will I give in
3. Deception
You think you got me pinned down? You think you know me like the back of your hand?
You think I'm that weak that I will fall into your scam? Sell your product by
exploiting woman A sales catch for only the blind Targeting people's addiction
Sell a product that eats away at their mind I don't know why you think some
people are less human And you use them to make a sale Your sexist and your
racist advertisements are becoming very stale You can't get through,
you won't get through, no you'll never get through You can't break me
Billboards sell the lie Their bottom line is do or die Drink up, and don't forget
that your addiction is their paycheck Glamorize the poison that they're trying to sell
Make it seem like it's heaven but it's really fucking hell
4. Fail To See
You wake up, it's a new day nothing has changed The new day has brought us new wars,
new fighting and bad blood The suffering, the misery will soon have to end
I'm blinded by your uncaring ways, you caused the world's decay Children
running in the streets, begging for spare change The poor have no place to go,
no place to call home The pain reaches deep within and puffs on my emotions
Change has to be made now, before it's too fucking late Please don't let go of the hope,
it's not too late to change
1) Turn The Page
Why can't I hold pride in my scene?
Put down for the choices I have made
Wont change my ideas just to please you
You have lost sight of what it means
i though we were in this together
Unfair judgement you've past on to me
Destroying the chance at a friendship that will never be
Too many times I've seen it
Now it's a chance I must take
2) Deaf To Reason
Im tired of trying to get my point across
No one ever listens, no one even cares
Even if nothing changes, I know deep inside
That my thoughts, my hopes are what keep me satisfied
The bright side has faded to almost total black
Relying on others to do the work wont help
Because together we are strong
And divided we are sure to fall
Take in a bit of reality
And maybe youll see we cant go on like this
Or we will be gone
Its hard I know,
But the change has to be made
Never will I give in
3) Depopulation
Too many questions, not enough answers
No explanation for this sudden disaster
I feel, I know Ive been conditioned to their lies
The thought of these facts have placed fear into my eyes
A disease created to achieve the new world order
Predicted, requested, and deployed
Think, question it
It's just a though but the poof is clear
AIDS was created so we live in fear
Abstain from sex in fear of death
Killing those that they class moral-less
The population has shrunk, the plan has worked
Do you wonder why the government has no concern?
They've targeted the beliefs they want wrecked
Now they watch their fascism take effect
4) Lies
Once again you expect us to believe your lies
But I removed the blindfold that you put across my eyes
I can no longer sit back and watch this system destroy whats left of me
Everything that surrounds me is a lie
Everything that surrounds me is a lie
Everything that surrounds me is a lie
No more, this is not freedom we don't even question it
These are your standards these area your ideals
These are your morals
But this is my life
I'm taking back my fucking life
I won't let you make a living off my misery
5) More Than Ever
Untie me, I can't be held back anymore
Building up inside, all out war
Shade of red on everything I see
No telling what could happen if you fuck with me
More than ever it's becoming clear
that my hate for you is a fucking obsession
I wish I could look the other way
I've tried so hard to ignore you
But you kept coming back
To time has come to attack
6) Deception
You think you got me pinned down?
You think you know me like the back of your hand?
You think I'm that weak that I will fall into your scam?
Sell your product by exploiting woman
A sales catch for only the blind
Targeting peoples addiction
Sell a product that eats away at their mind
I don't know why you think some people are less humanA
nd you use them to make a sale
Your sexist and your racist advertisements are becoming very stale
You can't get through, you wont get through, no you'll never get through
You can't break me
Billboards sell the lie
Their bottom line is do or die
Drink up, and don't forget that your addiction is their paycheck
Glamorize the poison that theyre trying to sell
Make it seem like it's heaven but it's really fucking hell
7) Existence
Never again will I fall prey
to the elements that entrapped me
turning my back on the life you keep trying to sell me
don't try to tell me it wont last the dedication is undying
the fire burns on in our hearts and the fuel is never ending
the beliefs I hold I will never fucking hide
others will fall and turn to the dark side
your weakness makes me stronger and more true to my word
I will never break
The edge runs in my blood
I will stay true no need for a second chance
How could you sell out to a feeling you said was so strong
8) On Fire
Waving you flag like I should kneel down and pray
I don't give a fuck about your colour or nationality
You preach about power, you're white and you're pure
You're the kind of idiot your country prefers
Too ignorant and blind to see their lies
Through their corruption the truth they hide
Honour the flag, and nation of liars
Watch me show my hate as I light it on fire
Too blind to see I'm on fire
Too proud to see I'm on fire
9) To Kill A Coward
Your actions, your habits
I can't put to words
You're just a coward asking to get what you deserve
I feel the pain of the millions slaughtered everyday
From your gun is where you get your bravery from
ou think you're fearless?
I think you're murderous
I'm going to put an end to your bloodthirsty games
A bullet through your fucking head
1) Burning Bridges
I reach out my hands, try to education you on your crimes.
I'm not a fucking a preacher, but you have to know your destruction
for the depletion and the rape of this earth, you're just unaware.
I cannot blame you, it's just this system for teaching us desolation.
The corporations are aware where the average person is not, violence against
one meat eater is not going to liberate a million animals.
You must take action against those who run the industry, not the ones lied to.
And to take them down we must use as much fucking violence as they do.
Animal liberation, Earth liberation, Human liberation will only come through education.
2) Mindset
Not natural? Now you're playing god, a hard role to play when you can't prove it exists.
Law of nature? Nothing is written in stone,
it's not hard to see love has no sexual preference.
Your view of deviance is my view of love, and I can only say you're the one that's sick.
I'll never live by your bullshit values, I wish you could see the pain you inflict.
3) Instilled
You close my eyes to any ideas but your own,
keep me deaf from the sound of revolution, tie my hands from achieving freedom,
you want my brain to think only your thoughts. And what are you doing to break the cycle?
Talking drunk and inhaling their lies? Or are you abstaining and staying stupid?
Either way, we're still left behind. So tell how can they be your actions
when it's their ideas that fill your head. These thoughts are instilled upon
us all and we're told freedom is being lead, when it reality freedom
will only come when we realize who the fuck is really in control.
Without your co-operation their system will fall,
it thrives off the misconception we can't survive without them.
When we are individuals capable of thinking.
Yet we've been instilled with dependencies, and the myth we cannot survive without leaders.
How can they be your actions when it's their ideas that fill your head?
4) Anchor
You won't be my guiding light in this world gone mad, I don't need any fairy tales to lean on.
You manipulte the mind that still has to learn, replace their thoughts with bullshit.
Deception burns. You present yourself as caring but I can see right trhough.
Slavery and mind control is all you quest for. I won't fall.
I won't fall in your group in need of something to hold,
I've got my mind and it's thoughts are only mine.
I need no religion to prove I exist, only room for my mind to learn and tell me what's right.
No no factitious male being, not no sexist book of lies... X2.
I never needed a crutch to make me strong or to hold on to my own beliefs,
and I'd never turn to suck a fucking lie, I'd never be that weak.
5) Culture Cease
This land was not found, it was stolen and raped. It's not the land of the free,
Freedom brings expression and culture. The real voice of this land has not been heard,
it's been gagged by unthinking white tradition.
Their blood stains the streets where our cities stand, and we watch their culture decay.
So we gave them a choice how to live their life, that being our way or no way.
You'll believe our religion, live by our traditions and forget everything you did in the past.
You'll live by our laws, live by our rules, and we'll take everything you ever had.
And now, you scream "Love it or leave it!" with your flag so high and proud,
it's nothing more than a symbol of rape. RAPE AND HATE.
The American dream is for everyone except the true people of this land.
1) Underneath
Deceitful is all you’ve been tear away at the false uncaring skins a corporation with bloody hands
is what lays underneath the lies you sold. The lies you told. The blind leading the blind in a
war against non existent enemies all the while you hide under your greed soaked camouflage your
corporate camouflage now you walk a separate path. Now you’re the puppet, you’re one of them, I see your strings
2) Afraid of life
Turn on your world sit back and relax all you need is an addiction at your own fingertips.
See what they turned you into? The media covers us in fear telling us we can’t compete
wit the outside world better to stay inside because we have everything you need.
Take a look outside and see what they don’t want you to see pelted by violent images
afraid to live our lives beyond these four walls. Destined to become no more than ratings,
never break the grip they have on you.
3) Content with dying
Somewhere along this line we were stripped of identity,
creativity developed this sheep mentality of following everything cultureless
we are entertained by senseless sitcoms and infomercials.
It angers me to see a nation reduced to a full scale game of follow the leader.
They have us fooled reaching for the amerikkkan dream. Trapped in the 9-5 it’s like swimming upstream.
Do as they tell you forethought is bound to fail. We are dying and no one seems to care.
To busy rushing to a go no-where career. You think you’re free? You just can’t see the bars
were all in prison in these free countries of ours. Your not free…you never were
4) Not a solution
Enough of these pre-school politics finger pointing generalizing.
You are not the savior; you are not the warrior gagging on your ignorance.
You couldn’t figure out life if you had a map.
Yet you’re so quick with your worthless facts enlightened by some holy vision.
She tries to explain and you refuse to hear her now the state owns her rights.
Is that what you want? You call yourself pro-life? I call you pro murder.
Your small minded thinking is not a solution.
5) Religion on a stick
How can you just show up there? The white knight that’s going to save the day.
The only reason for being there is not to feed them food.
But the Christian way “believe in our white god and you will be fed”
But to have your own religion means you’ll starve to death.
Religion on a stick you force feed the masses.
The most weak and willing is where you begin.
And until there is one world with one religion only then will you end.
Are you a missionary for god or a missionary for money?
You say you’re caring while you televise a guilt trip to make you rich.
And how many die while your pockets keep getting filled?
The best damned business move was your story of Christ being killed.
Your god is nothing more than a dollar sign and you don’t care how many people die.
You spend more on commercializing a cause than you do on feeding a nation.
6) Regression
Why does the law view women as little less than human?
Why are their lives worthless than the property of the state?
You know your country is sick when you get more for robbery than you do for rape.
Yet it happened before our very eyes we allow these laws to exist.
There is a greater value put on money than on human life.
And still we sit passively? We let these laws classify us into men, women,
and black and white. They discriminate by dropping the label of human,
and stripping away our rights. Until we realize everyone is equal,
nothing is going to change. How much longer can we afford these laws to stay the same?
Not a minute longer because our lives are at risk. They don’t give a fuck about you!
The system is full of shit how can stealing money even compare to the crime or rape?
These laws are not for people, they only benefit the state.
7) Conditioned
To protect and serve to dictate and abuse, you make me hate you.
You created me with your superior attitude. And you expect me to respect you?
And I wouldn’t care if you died, right before my eyes. I feel no sympathy,
watching your demise. And to side with you is like siding with the iron fist,
and to support you, is like supporting a rapist. And I wouldn’t do that.
You made me what I am, you made me hate you.
That’s why it makes me smile when someone kills a pig or two.
8) Sidetracked
Does any body care or are they to busy watching and learning.
Glued to the TV while the rest of the world is burning.
Catching your attention by televising the latest human tragedy.
Focusing your energy on the furthest thing from reality.
And who knows what goes on while hooked to their lies?
As long as the public as the public isn’t looking, do they care who dies?
And they have their ways of keeping you occupied.
So you can’t see what they’re trying to hide.
Do you trust your government? Do you trust a higher power?
Do you think the only world happenings are what you see in the news each hour?
Why do we know everything about the last day and neglect the last 50 years?
Would you even question that things don’t go on that no one hears?
You’re sidetracked by a fictional diversion.
You’re fooled into trusting a murderous monster.
Shut it off, stop being so numb to the truth.
9) You’re the only one?
Put aside your idiocy. It’s not going to change the world.
Its not part of history. You’re the only one do you think anyone understands?
What’s more important? The world’s problems or the x on your hand?
Do you want to hide under a rock and pretend no problems exist?
You might be comfortable but half the world isn’t.
If you don’t take time to question, how will you come up with any solution?
Your stagnant numb comfort…go back to sleep. Doing it for the kids…you’re full of shit.
This could be a piece of the revolution, but you’re trying to kill it.
Brain numbing, unthreatening, unquestioning, afraid of change.
To content with keeping everything the same.
Tooth And Nail
The mindless trash just seems to grow Unquestioning acceptance and it's getting old There's no place here for any religion No place for simple answers and pre-made decisions Try to look reality straight in the eye And watch religion become this scenes demise I can't sit back and watch this rise Brainwashed sheep in a rebellious disguise No you wont go unchallenged There's no such thing as simple answers And what makes you think you have some kind of goddamn insight This is a war so pick your side No middle ground, no I can't decide No compromise till the plague is dead Got to start using that brain in your head This is about questioning, living, and learning Making decisions with your own mind Not about preaching an unproven gospel Or blindly following and wasting out time Cause we're the sinners We're the weak that don't believe More like we're the strong Able to thing not be deceived By a book of nothing Wake up and be saved!!! This is you fucking salvation!!!
Sell It For What It's Worth
So what did we learn and what has become of this after all is raped and sold To the highest bidder or the trendiest fucker or whatever It's good for this was ours to live and be part of not impersonal and distant (untouchable) or what you made it Scrapped every ounce of sincerity and asked in a bigger crowd With smaller minds that easily consume your lie I'm still here watching our energy and dignity dissolve into your pockets Thank you for selling everything I hold and value My youth my world Take these words to my grave Cause your filth never scratched me Never tempted me, never needed it Wouldnt stoop to your level Was never about that Never will be Never sold our dignity Never wanted your instant stardom Fuck you and everyone who did
You'll Despise Yourself
Is this something to do between classes? Your rebellion is expiring fast Because in four years youll have a career And all this will be a part of your past You're just part of the system Another cog in the machine Soon to be what you despise And you could never wipe your hands clean So this is a part of your maturity It's a choice you fucking made Is this the price of growing older? Your path has been prepaved Put your hobby to rest because you had your cake and ate it too Put away the part time revolutions Don't worry well pick up the slack again
Sleep, eat work, die with nothing All security has been diminished Overpopulated for more rats in the race Less than nothing when it's all finished Slit each others throat to get one step ahead That's the way they made this system And if they don't fit the part, lower class slaves Then they have ways to fucking kill them Diminished rights, lower wages A million jobs for $4.50 an hour Placing addictions on every corner Stripping our dignity and self power When will we ever have control Have enough to feed, be secure Rise up and take it back We are not machines, not to be shut off Not to be used for what you thing it's worth We make your economy go around And things better fucking change Thing better fucking change
CH: sui 3 o 4 anni, ma in maniera produttiva 2 anni
CH: si sicuro, il 12"è musicalmente e liricamente molto meglio del 7" ma
forse perchè siam progrediti con l'età
CH: la CTW ha fatto molto per noi per diffondere il nostro nome, apprezziamo il suo lavoro e la sua dedizione.
ad ogni modo le nostre opinioni si scontrarono per via dei prezzi e delle quantità.
noi vogliamo che la nostra roba sia disponibile per un prezzo molto più economico e mike non voleva perdere dei soldi (e non lo biasimo)
ma abbiamo trovato qualcuno che lo faceva, non perdere soldi, ma vendere ad un prezzo più economico possibile ed era la Bloodlink, il prossimo 7" uscirà su
quella etichetta, prima dell'estate.
CH: cose che fan girare il mondo. il nostro bellissimo e onesto governo, le religioni il sessismo, l'omofobia, veganismo e sxe (non che faccia girare il mondo ma è molto
importante per noi) e tutte quelle cose
CH: non so forse a mike/ctw ma non credo che abbiamo avuto molto successo, tutti sti problemi esistono ancora oggi. il nostro gruppo dice quel che sente dentro e
non è cambiato molto.è difficile rispondere perchè "successo" è una parola strana
CH: dipende dalla gente dipende da chris. qualche volta se è gente stupida puntiamo sui nostri ideali, solitamente lo facciamo ma qualche volta suoniamo e basta
CH: siamo vegan e NON siamo hardline neanche lontanamente. l'unica cosa che ci accomuna con quel non-sense è il veganismo e basta. sono vegan perchè è qualcosa di necessario
per mantenere la nostra natura
CH: nessuno nasce sxe. ho scoperto lo sxe credo 5 anni fa. ero nell'hardcore da 3 anni prima e facevo uso di alcol perchè non conoscevo di meglio e così gli altri.
non avevo idee politiche, apparte vedere l'alcol come ribellione e pensare che gli sbirri fossero tutti figli di puttana. fino a che non ho letto e sviluppato ideali
e conosciuto nuove persone e un milione di altre cose che mi han aiutato nello sviluppare un pensiero libero e individuale. ora mi astengo perchè ho capito che l'alcol
e le droghe sono sedativi per le masse distribuite dal nostro governo. noi tutti abbiamo diverse ragioni per essere drug free e ci vorrebbero 5 anni per spiegarle
ma continuo a pensare che gli sbirri siano figli di puttana.
CH: una grande differenza, quelli canadesi sono raramenti buoni ma la maggiorparte qui ha già capito come vanno le cose, in america invece molti ragazzi non l'hanno ancora capito.
CH: no. l'aborto dovrebbe essere sicuro e legale, non dovrebbe essere un pigro controllo delle nascite da parte della classe superiore, dovrebbe essere usato in situazioni dove non c'è alternativa
noi siamo pro-bambini e pro-scelta. ogni bambino dovrebbe essere voluto. gli animali sono allevati per il profitto, il prodotto e l'avidità. preferirei non vedere un vitello nascere piuttosto che vederlo
nascere e soffrire per i prossimi 5-10 anni. questo vale anche per l'aborto.
CH: no per niente non ho mai voluto, quello dovrebbe essere il lavoro di uno sbirro no?
le droghe sono disponibili per fuggire dalla realtà. coloro che sono drogati non sono meno "umani".
sono solo vittime di tradizioni capitaliste. razzismo, disoccupazione, divisione di classi.. son vittime della società
non voglio picchiare qualcuno che si droga, vorrei pestare invece il governo per averle rese così bisognose e disponibili.
CH: chissà un altro 7" sicuro, un tour estivo coi bloodlet e il resto lo dirà il tempo.
CH: grazie per l'intervista ... e solo le pecore han bisogno di un leader... onora la bandiera di le tue preghiere e vai in chiesa ogni settimana solo allora la vita avrà senso.
oggi non riesco a smettere di ascoltare questa demo, e non riesco a capire perchè non abbiano continuato a produrre capolavori come questo. ad ogni modo i canon sono un gruppo hardcore vegan straight edge di philadelphia, producono, nel 1994 sotto la chapter records(quando io avevo esattamente 3 anni) "the solution" che contiene (purtroppo) solo 4 pezzi di hardcore tipico dei gruppi anni 90 americani(earth crisis, chokehold, brithright) con riff metallosi e breakdown a pacchi, senza dimenticare i testi che rimandano a temi come liberazione animale e della terra, azione diretta e una critica al sesso promiscuo(forse pure una frecciatina all'aborto ma va bè l'unica pecca).. voto 10 dio cane, son sempre i gruppi migliori a lasciarci prematuramente
no, non sto parlando del documentario, ma di un gruppo che sicuramente si è ispirato ad esso, vista la loro attitudine. gli earthlings sono un gruppo vegan straight edge di new castle e nel 2009 producono questa demo di 6 pezzi (di cui una cover dei left for dead "skin graft" ) influenzati da gruppi hardcore anni 90 come i left for dead, e chokehold. purtroppo son riuscito a trovare solo questa demo, ma mi basta per capire che son davvero bravi e spero di trovare altro loro materiale.. decisamente un 9 non riesco a smettere di ascoltarli
Street by street. Block by block. Taking it all back.
The youth's immersed in poison--turn the tide
counterattack. Violence against violence, let the roundups begin.
A firestorm to purify the bane that society drowns in. No
mercy, no exceptions, a declaration of total war.
The innocents' defense is the reason it's waged for.
Born addicted, beaten
and neglected. Families torn apart, detroyed and abandoned.
Children sell their bodies, from their high they fall to drown.
Demons crazed by greed cut bystanders down.
A chemically tainted welfare generation.
Abslolute complete moral degeneration.
Born addicted, beaten and neglected.
Families torn apart, detroyed and abandoned.
Children sell their bodies, from their high
they fall to drown. Demons crazed by greed cut bystanders down.
Corrupt politicans, corrupt enforcement, drug lords and
dealers; all must fall. The helpless are crying out.
We have risen to their call. A firestorm to purify.
Do you think that all blacks are niggers?
Ignorance is your attitude
You wallow in your racist stupor
Have you really stopped to think?
Do you believe in the KKK?
Do you think White Power rules today?
Would you like to shoot a white man dead?
Would you like to bust a black man's head?--No way!
In England there's the National Front
Headstrong bunch, these fucking cunts
With Webster as their figurehead
they liberate Hitler as he lies dead
They think they're so bloody tough
Paki-bashing ain't enough
Martin Webster like the KKK
map out all the plans his own way
Like apples to oranges, both fruitful. Two eyes, two ears, two ovaries too.
That’s where we draw the line, and it’s the differences that give us an excuse.
No words to resist. Can’t write without a thumb.
How can she say she doesn’t want this done?
And every thirteen months, until she’s no good, given what will only be taken away to the same fate,
or a veal crate. All for the precious by product. If you wouldn’t want your mother, sister, friend,
as a milk and baby factory, don’t let it happen in your name to a creature with two eyes, two ears, two ovaries.